Susan is owned and handled with love by Rodney and Isabel Eastall.
She is from the first litter Jaxson ex. Bunny and whelped by Georgia McCrae. Georgia managed the many details in selecting, caring for, and preparing Susan for overseas shipment to her owners in the U.K. – the Eastall’s.
Rodney and Isabel are showing Susan and here is a lovely report from from the Lowestoft Show October 2015:
“Open 5 (4) 1st Eastalls Brisline’s Born in the USA for Daedal (imp USA) ShCM Nice to go over such a good square solid bitch that was presented so well, strong head, sound teeth scissor bite, keen eye with good expression, nicely set ears, nice arch of neck in to a good lay of shoulder & straight back, good bend of stifle, full of muscle, tight feet, harsh coat, tail set, moved straight with drive. BOB Well deserved TG2.”
Good showing Rodney and Isabel!